Forgotten Username or Password

How find or reset your sign in details

If you aren’t able to log into your account because you forgot your username or password, it is easy to find these details again. There are three different ways that you can do this which you can read below.

Your username is the email address you used to sign up with.

Please note: creating a new account will not resolve this problem, as your devices will end up getting stuck on the account they were first assigned to.

If you are still stuck, please contact our Customer Service Team.

Changing your password when you’re already logged into your account

  1. Click on ‘My Account’
  2. Click ‘Edit’
  3. You’ll be asked to enter your current password and then select and confirm a new one
  4. Click ‘Update password’
  5. Click ‘OK’ and your password will be changed

Changing your password when clicking forgot password link

  1. Log into your portal
  2. Click on ‘My Account’
  3. Click on ‘Forgot Password’
  4. You can choose how you want to receive your password reset link; email or SMS
    • Email:
      • Write in the email address that matches your account
      • When you receive the email click ‘create a new password’
      • Enter a new password and confirm it
      • Sign into your account with your email address and new password
    • Text:
      • Write in your number and you’ll receive an SMS
      • Enter the code you received along with a new password
      • Click change password
  5. Click ‘Cancel’ to come out of the page

Changing your password when you can’t get into your account

  1. Click on ‘Forgotten password’
  2. Enter your email address your account is linked with
  3. Write in the email address that matches your account
  4. When you receive the email click ‘create a new password’
  5. Enter a new password and confirm it
  6. Sign into your account with your email address and new password

Alternatively, you can restore your password via SMS

  1. Click on ‘Forgotten password’
  2. Click restore via SMS
  3. Enter your number and you’ll receive an SMS
  4. Enter the code you received along with a new password
  5. Click change password
  6. Click ‘Cancel’ to come out of the page


Need More Help?

If you cannot find the answer to your query above, you can always contact our Customer Service Team who will be happy to help

Tel: +44 (0) 208090 1290 | Email:

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