What’s Happening with iOS 18?

iOS 18 is Apple’s latest software version for devices like iPhones and iPads. It includes a ‘Private Wi-Fi Address’ feature.

Every device that can connect to the internet has something called a MAC address. In iOS 18 this feature is ‘on’. Apple says that it will make it harder for anyone to track your movement, but it also affects how you log onto unencrypted open (often called guest or public) WiFi networks.

What is MAC Randomisation?

When you connect your phone, tablet or computer to a WiFi network its MAC address is used to recognise it. Usually, this address stays the same, the network ‘remembers’ your device and it connects automatically.

With iOS 18, Apple devices get a different MAC address every time they connect to one of these open WiFi networks. This rotation is known as MAC randomisation.

How This Affects How You Use Wifinity’s WiFi Networks

When a MAC address rotates, Wifinity networks (and other open unencrypted networks) see your device as completely new. Your device won’t be recognised and we won’t automatically let you in.

How is your Wifinity Account Affected?

The good news is that in terms of your privacy, nothing has changed. Wifinity never tracks your online behaviour and does not share any user data.

MAC randomisation changes how you connect to the network. To stop the network ‘forgetting’ your device, you can switch the ‘Private Wi-Fi Address’ feature off.

How do I Reconnect to a Wifinity WiFi Network?

We recommend that you disable the ‘Private Wi-Fi Address’ feature in your device’s network settings. It’s the quickest and easiest way to keep you online. If you don’t, you’ll have to add the MAC address to your device list again around every two weeks / or whenever it changes.

To disable:

  • Connect to a Wifinity network
  • Go to ‘Settings’
  • On the right, see ‘Private Wi-Fi Address’
  • Select ‘off’

If you don’t switch the feature off, you’ll need to frequently add your devices:

  • Go to your Wifinity ‘My Account’ section
  • Open ‘Manage Devices’
  • Remove any previously listed MAC address for your device
  • Add the new MAC address that your device has given itself
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