To enjoy a seamless Wi-Fi experience, disable the Randomised MAC Feature on your device. This feature is turned on by default on newer devices, and it can cause frequent disconnections from the Wi-Fi network due to a random MAC address changing each time you disconnect and reconnect to a network. To avoid this, follow these simple steps to turn off the setting:
Samsung Galaxy (Android 10 and later)
1. Go to Settings, then click Network and then Wi-Fi.
2. Connect to Butlins Wi-Fi and then click the cog to the right of the network name.
3. Click Advanced or View More
4. Tap Mac address type and change it to Use Phone/Device/Tablet MAC from Randomised.
5. Copy the Wi-Fi Mac address.
6. Connect to Butlins Wi-Fi
7. Go to the Landing Page
8. Read and Accept the Terms and Conditions and Click Add Device
9. Enter the Wi-Fi Address and click get device online.
10. The page will show a loading bar and confirm you are connected.

Samsung Galaxy Smartphone:
To locate the MAC Address on a Samsung Galaxy Smartphone, follow these steps:
1. Go to Settings.
2. Select About phone or device.
3. Select Status.
4. Scroll down to Wi-Fi MAC Address.

Samsung Galaxy Tab 2:
To locate the MAC Address on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, follow these steps:
1. From a home screen, select Apps Apps icon.
2. Note Located at the bottom when viewed in portrait or at the right in landscape.
3. From the Apps tab, select Settings.
4. Select About device.
5. Select Status.
6. Locate the Wi-Fi MAC address.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 4:
To locate the MAC Address on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4, follow these steps:
1. From the Home screen, select the app slider at the bottom-right portion of the screen.
2. Tap “Settings“.
3. Choose the “General” option at the top of the screen.
4. Scroll down on the left pane and select “About device“.
5. Choose “Status” on the right side.
6. The Wi-Fi MAC address will be displayed on the screen.
Samsung Smart TV:
To find the MAC address of your Samsung Smart TV go to:
1. Select Network Settings.
2. Choose Network Status.
3. The MAC address is the first thing in the list.